Another reason to cut back on low-calorie sweeteners

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DEI News


In a new study, low-calorie sweetener xylitol is being called out for its potential to harm cardiovascular health

For many years, non-sugar sweeteners – whether made artificially or from natural sources – have been considered beneficial to health.

Now, a low-calorie sweetener called xylitol is being called out for its potential to harm cardiovascular health. Here’s what to know.Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, or polyol, a type of carbohydrate that occurs naturally in low amounts in certain fruits and vegetables. The body also produces it in small quantities.

First, the researchers examined saved fasting plasma samples from 3,306 participants who had taken part in one of two earlier clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe. All were undergoing elective cardiac tests. Platelets are small cells in our bloodstream that form sticky clots to stop bleeding when blood vessels are damaged. Blood clots can also cause heart attack and stroke.

which is more prevalent than xylitol in low-sugar products. Erythritol is also mixed with stevia and monk fruit tabletop sweeteners.The findings from the 3,306 clinical trial participants showed only an association between high xylitol plasma levels and increased risk of heart attack, stroke and death. This does not prove that xylitol was a direct cause.


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