Study Reveals This 1 Exercise Can Reduce Arthritis And Knee Pain

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Health News


Jillian Wilson is the Wellness Reporter at HuffPost. She started her career at Visit Philadelphia, where she wrote about things to do and see in the Philadelphia region. Since then, she has covered lifestyle beats like wellness, fitness, health, tourism and food, all with a strong service journalism angle. She is a graduate of Temple University.

Knee pain is unfortunately a common struggle as we age ― and while managing the pain may feel like an uphill battle, experts say there’s an exercise you can try to help your knee supremely good for knee health. The study was made up of 2,607 people with an average age of 64. Study participants self-reported their bicycling frequency throughout their lifetime. Researchers checked for knee osteoarthritis by taking x-rays of participants’ knees.

Bicycling helps to strengthen the musculature around the knee, which also improves your knee joint health as a whole, saidWhether riding a bike, going for a swim or a run, exercise can help reduce pain even in folks with arthritis.Cycling can be an expensive hobby, with bikes regularly costing upward of $1,000 and even $2,000. But you don’t need to splurge on a pricy bike to see knee health benefits, Yang stressed. You don’t need to be a serious biker who puts in tons of miles every day either.

“Even in this study, they talk about the fact that other activities — like swimming, running, strength training — help decrease what we call symptomaticMany people who have arthritis are nervous about exacerbating their pain by exercising, which is a natural fear, White said. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying — and you can always talk to your doctor beforehand to get the right exercise regimen for you.


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