Bizarre penis facts, from having a double penis to why the penis leans to one side ...

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Dr Philippa Kaye Answers Most Embarrassing Men’s Health Questions

EVER thought to really delve a little deeper into the world of genitalia? Specifically, the male reproductive organ?Curvy penis? Don’t worry, it’s normal.The 'perfect' penis size, shape & pubic hair style, according to science“The tunica albuginea is the fibrous covering of the erectile tissue in the penis,” he says.

"This scar tissue, known as a plaque, can develop on one side of the penis, causing it to lean or curve. “If someone is concerned about the curvature of their penis, they should consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation and appropriate management."Dr Tang says that a double penis occurs when ‘embryonic development results in the formation of two penises’, adding: “This condition is estimated to occur in about one in every five to six million live births.”"There may be two penile shafts but a single glans or other variations,” explains Dr Tang.

He says: “Ultrasound scans occasionally reveal a foetus with a fully developed erection even before delivery.”Although it’s very rare, cases of "penis captivus", where the penis becomes temporarily trapped inside the vagina during sexual intercourse, have been reported.


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