New Study Shows This Vitamin May Lower Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s By 17%

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Brain News

Vitamin D,Multivitamin

And you're probably not getting enough of it

New Study Shows Vitamin D May Lower Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s By 17% While vitamin D is most known for its role in bone health, there are vitamin D receptors throughout the body—including the brain. And there’s no shortage of research showing that vitamin D plays a role in memory and even mood.But scientists are now trying to hone in on just how much vitamin D status influences the risk of cognitive conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

That’s because vitamin D may help promote the breakdown of amyloid plaques—the abnormal clumps of protein in the brain that are the hallmark characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease—and mitigate inflammation. Achieving optimal vitamin D levels This study adds to the importance of maintaining optimal vitamin D levels at every stage of life . And the only way to find out your vitamin D levels is to track them via a blood test.


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