Marijuana Reclassification Puts Politics and Profits Ahead of Public Health

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Health Health Headlines News

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The first major change to federal marijuana laws may be on the horizon now that it has been leaked the Biden administration intends to reschedule marijuana.

The first major change to federal marijuana laws may be on the horizon now that it has been leaked the Biden administration intends to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III.Will this 'seismic shift,' as some media outlets have called it, legalize marijuana? What about let people out of prison? Or at least expunge records or pardon past offenders?The answer to all of these questions is an unequivocal 'no.

If marijuana had been held to the same standard as other drugs, there would be no recommendation for its rescheduling. And, given this exception, it would not be surprising to see investors who want to sell psychedelics, cocaine, and other drugs circumvent the process in the same way by using ballot measures, as marijuana has now done.Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has said, 'public policy is outpacing the science when it comes to marijuana.


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