Concern growing for permanent resident hopefuls with HIV

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Health Health Latest News,Health Health Headlines

New research shows that some people living with HIV are choosing cheaper and suboptimal antiretroviral treatment out of fear that their applications for permanent residency will be rejected.

Applicants must show that their medical spending will not exceed more than $51,000 over 10 years — a requirement, known as the Significant Cost Threshold. Experts say these rules for migrants are unfair and can compromise Australia’s goal to end the HIV epidemic by 2030.The human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system, and if untreated, can lead to AIDS.

Monash associate professor Jason Ong says those cheaper treatments aren't as good at controlling HIV, and aren't as safe. His mother's application for permanent residency was rejected because her husband had exceeded the Significant Cost Threshold."It doesn't give everyone a fair go. That threshold should only be applied to a hypothetical person taking the same medication to my dad, which is not the case at all."She says that the cost for permanent residents living with HIV is around $117,000 over a 10-year period - but that this outlay should not disqualify anyone.


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